The Three Voices of Proverbs 1

26 06 2013

This week we continue our series in the book of Proverbs by looking at Proverbs 1:8-31. Over the first 9 chapters of Proverbs we are introduced to two women – Wisdom and Folly.  Solomon personifies these two paths showing how they both seek our attention and obedience.

In Proverbs 1:8-31 we see 3 voices (Wiersbe)

1. The Voice of Instruction (Vs. 8-10, 15-19)

In these verses the parents are speaking to their child desiring that God’s Word and wisdom would adorn their life.  Titus 2:10 references adorning ourselves with the doctrine of God, that is to say that we make the Bible beautiful by living godly lives.  1 Peter 3:1-4 encourages wives with unsaved husbands to adorn themselves with the gospel to win their lost husbands.

Vs. 15-19 the parents shift their focus to show their child how to avoid yielding to temptation.

First (15-16) – Check your path and check your crowd.  Fairly simple concept – Wrong direction, Wrong crowd = Prone to do wrong things.

Second (17) – Don’t play with temptation.  Solomon states that birds are smart enough to avoid snares, but we often head straight into the trap and danger.  We must be wise in our life.  Avoid things such as lunch with that work associate of the opposite sex, the conversations on Facebook with that person from High School, or the temptations at work to take items left out.  Everybody’s temptations will be different.

Third (18-19) – There’s a price tag to everything in life.  Solomon states that if you harm others, ultimately you are harming yourself.  The price tag is higher than the gain you receive. Here’s the principle – Don’t sacrifice the permanent for the immediate!  This is a hard concept to consistently apply in our lives.


2. The Voice of Temptation (Vs. 11-14)

I’ll just mention two things out of these verses.

First – Anyone who makes it easy to disobey God is not a friend.

Second (14) – Notice the verse mentions that they will have “one purse”.  Anyone that’s ever watched a western movie knows that when a group’s money is put together there’s going to be trouble.  This is what America is trying to do.  It didn’t work for the early church in Acts when they sold their possessions and shared (and they were Christians).  How do we think this concept will work for a nation of lost people. Communism and Socialism are contrary concepts to God’s principles and we should remember that when we select leaders and train our children.


3. The Voice of Salvation (Vs. 20-33)

How does wisdom speak? – Both through creation and conscience (see Romans 1:19-20)

Where does wisdom speak (20-21)? – It speaks in the streets and public places, where people are carrying out their lives.  We must realize that wisdom is for you and me.  It is for us to share.  It’s not to be isolated in our buildings, but seen and heard on the ball fields, in the restaurants and at the work place.

To whom does wisdom speak (22)? – It speaks to the simple, scorner and fool.  The simple are the naive that believe anything, yet examine nothing.  The scorners think they know everything and mock that which is important.  The fool is ignorant of truth because they’re dull and stubborn.  They are fools not because of low IQ, but because of a lack of spiritual desire.  They seek the material instead of the spiritual.

What does wisdom say (22, 23, 26-33)? – Vs. 22 asks “How long” will we remain in this state?  Vs. 23 extends an invitation to turn from our evil and foolishness. Wisdom promises to transform your life.  However, as we continue to read this passage we find that most mock wisdom and in Vs. 26 the tables are turned and wisdom eventually has the upper hand mocking those that rejected her.

Remember – There is a price tag for everything in life (good or bad).  I would rather pay the price for God’s way of wisdom because Vs. 33 tells us the payout.  The loss of what the world offers for God’s hand of peace and protection is worth its price in our lives.



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